photo of Mr. Yellow at age 1

2010 Fall "New Born"

I was born the day before Spain crowned World Cup champs in South Africa. Those animals walking with two feet, embraced me tightly and mumbled "mmm~so cute~". Hey Ma'am, please behave yourself! I believe we were just met!

photo of Mr. Yellow

2011 Spring "Buddy"

They started to call me "teen-ager". Please allow me to introduce my pal: this is "black". It's so good to have him around! We had a deal to explore the fancy world together.

photo of Mr. Yellow

2012 Winter "Fall in Love"

Have you ever waited for someone? You thought she won't show up today, but the next minute she's right there! In front of you! I saw rainbows and colorful snowflakes falling in a sudden.

photo of Mr. Yellow

2013 Summer "Love Bitters"

There are always some days you wanna do nothing but slouch on a place of your own.

photo of Mr. Yellow

2014 Spring "Fun of Playing"

When I feel down, I go to get my favorate plush toy. Just starting with a simple bite, I will play high and forget myself. It is definitely useful for you too!

photo of Mr. Yellow

2015 Fall "Life Winner"

Dad said I am getting myself too comfortable. Well, I am meditating. To prepare for the coming middle age crisis(Just celebrated my 5-year-old birthday), I need more time to think about life, philosophy, and things that do matter.

photo of Mr. Yellow

2016 Summer
"Go! Go! Go to the Seaside!"

You suffer from anxieties because you think much but act little. You said you have to check schedules, packup stuff, apply sunblocks before going to the seaside; while all I need is simply standing up and runing towards the door.

bonus egg